Vegetable Commodity Distribution System ( Case Study: Purba District, Simalungun Regency) SISTEM DISTRIBUSI KOMODITI SAYURAN DI KECAMATAN PURBA, KABUPATEN SIMALUNGUN

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The objectives in this study are to determine (1) the effect of vegetable production on vegetable prices in the study area (2) the vegetable distribution system in the study area and (3) the marketing margins and farmer's share of vegetables in the study area. The study was conducted from May to July 2019 in Purba District, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province. Site selection is done intentionally ( purposive) with the consideration that the location is one of the central areas of vegetable production in Purba District. The analyzed by simple linear regression, descriptively qualitatively and calculation of marketing margins and farmer share .

Based on the results of the research analysis it can be concluded that: vegetable production to the price of vegetables in the study area has a negative effect. Where in the simple linear regression analysis using the t test large value of t arithmetic     -2.087 <t table -2.068 and 0.048 significance value <probability of 0.05, where H0 is rejected and H1 accepted (vegetable production had a significant effect to the price of vegetables). The vegetable distribution system in the research area is two channels, where in channel I the producers sell to the first level traders (Purba District) then the traders sell to the second level retailers (Pematangsiantar) to sell to consumers in Pematangsiantar. In channel II, producers sell to level I collectors (Purba District) and then collect traders sell to level II large traders (Medan Tuntung District) to be sold to level III retailers (Medan City) to be retailed to consumers. Marketing margins and farmer's share in the study area are efficient. where the channel I margin value of chilli vegetables is Rp. 12,000 / kg with a farmer's share of 61%, on potato vegetables a margin value of Rp.4,700 / Kg with a farmer's share of 52%, the margin value for cabbage vegetables is Rp.5,220 / Kg with a farmer's share of 26%, a margin value for tomato vegetables of Rp.4,000 / kg with a farmer's share of 52% and a margin value for Chinese cabbage of Rp.4,820 / Kg with a farmer's share of 33%. While in channel II, the margin value in chilli vegetables is Rp.11,100 / Kg with a farmer's share of 63%, in potato vegetables the margin value is Rp.4,300 / Kg with a farmer's share of 54%, the margin value for cabbage vegetables is Rp. 3,340 / Kg with a farmer's share of 29%, a margin value for tomato vegetables of Rp.3,400 / Kg with a farmer's share of 56% and a margin value for Chinese cabbage totaling Rp.4,820 / Kg with a farmer's share of 33%. Based on the results of research on channels I and II, that the most efficient chili vegetables.



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How to Cite
SINAGA, N. (2019). Vegetable Commodity Distribution System ( Case Study: Purba District, Simalungun Regency). SOSIAL DAN EKONOMI PERTANIAN, 13(2), 38 - 50. Retrieved from