SOSIAL DAN EKONOMI PERTANIAN <p>Jurnal Sosial dan Ekonomi Pertanian (SEP) merupakan salah satu jurnal Nasional yang terbit secara berkala pada Bulan Februari dan Bulan Oktober. Jurnal SEP memiliki 2 edisi terbitan. Versi On-Line ISSN: 2614-302X dan Versi Cetak 1693-8372. Jurnal SEP dipublikasikan oleh Program Studi Agribinis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara. Medan</p> <p>Licenced by</p> <p>&nbsp;<a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a><br>This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a>.</p> en-US <p><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a><br>This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a>.</p> (Tim Redaksi Jurnal SEP) (Rasidin Karo Karo) Fri, 09 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 ARABICA COFFEE FARMING AND MARKETING ANALYSIS SIMALUNGUN REGENCY <p>This study aims to analyze farm income, farm feasibility level, marketing channels and marketing margins of Arabica coffee in Manik Huluan, District Pematang Sidamanik, Regency Simalungun. The criteria included in the sample of this study were Arabica coffee farmers in the study area. With a population of 70 farmers, the Slovin formula is used to obtain 60 samples of farmers. The samples were determined by means of simple random sampling (simple random). Data analysis was performed by calculating the cost of production, revenue, income and the R/C ratio. Then the qualitative data analysis was carried out by analysis based on primary data sourced from informants. The results showed that the production costs incurred by all sample farmers within one year were Rp. 1,050,089,248.00 with an average of Rp. 17,501,487.00. The revenue obtained from all sample farmers in selling coffee in the form of dry grain is Rp. 3,335,332,000.00 with an average of Rp. 55,588,867.00. So it is known that the sample income of coffee farmers is Rp. 2,285,242,752.00 with an average of Rp. 38,087,379.00. By obtaining an average R/C ratio of 3.17, Arabica coffee farming is declared feasible to run. For the marketing channel in the research area, there is only one pattern of marketing channels, namely the order of farmers, collectors (middlemen) and wholesalers. Arabica coffee is distributed in the form of dry grain. Thus it is known that the large marketing margin of Arabica coffee in the study area is Rp. 1000,00.</p> Hermahera Ritonga, Ririn Aditia Wardani, Surya Dharma, Faiz Ahmad Sibuea ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 07 Sep 2021 23:08:20 +0700 FARMERS 'PARTICIPATION IN THE UTILIZATION OF RIVER WATER AS IRRIGATION WATER IN RICE FARM IN MANDAILING NATAL DISTRICT <p>Agricultural development is a process of modernization of farming through changes in technology, namely a process of changing farming to move or change from subsistence farming to commercial farming. In line with the process of changing the nature of farming, agricultural development takes place changes in the moral economy of farmers, namely from a subsistence economic moral that prioritizes safety to a rational economic moral. Given the importance of water for plants, a systematic knowledge is compiled in the form of water management. irrigation which aims to activate and make efficient use of water, or vice versa if there is excess water drainage, requires a complex calculation accompanied by accurate measurement measurements, likewise irrigation requires a fairly precise feasibility study. One of the factors in efforts to increase food production, especially rice, is the occurrence of irrigation water in the fields according to the needs if the provision of irrigation water is carried out properly and correctly, it can uphold the increase in rice production so that national food needs can be met irrigation has an important role, namely providing water for plants and can be used to regulate the weakness of soil moisture to help fertilize the soil through ingredients carried by water can suppress weed growth can suppress the growth of certain pests and diseases and facilitate soil cultivation. Irrigation development to support increased food production and increase in farmers' income has also become an irrigation network program, both carrier and government channels.</p> Manfhati Lutfi Siregar, Muhammad Hariman Sakti, Henny Pratiwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 07 Sep 2021 23:10:01 +0700 MARKETING EFFICIENCY OF ARABICA PEOPLE’S COFFE IN KARO REGENCY <p>Arabica coffee has a higher economic value than robusta coffee because arabica coffee has a higher price and taste than robusta coffee. One of the Arabica coffee producing areas in Karo Regency is Ndokum Siroga Village and Central Kuta, Simpang Empat District. This study aims to (1) determine the marketing channel (2) to determine the marketing function carried out by the Arabica coffee marketing agency, (3) to analyze the marketing margin of farmer share, (4) to analyze the level of efficiency in the villages of Ndokum Siroga and Central Kuta. The sampling method used was the positive sample method and the census method. The data analysis methods used are (1) descriptive method, and (2) marketing margin analysis, farmer share, and marketing efficiency. The results showed (1) Arabica coffee marketing channels consisted of three marketing channels, namely two from Ndokum Siroga Village and one from Central Kuta Village. The marketing institutions involved consist of farmers, village collectors, agents, agro-industry (small business partners), and exporters. (2) Marketing functions are almost entirely carried out by respective marketing agencies involved in marketing Arabica coffee. (3) Arabica coffee market performance of each of the criteria is good because the marketing margin is relatively small, (4) the marketing channel is categorized as efficiency.</p> Aidil Masyhur, Ridhan Kurnia, Tri Martial ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:33:49 +0700 BOILER FARMING BUSINESS PATTERN ON PLASMA PT ACEH UNGGAS MANDIRI <p>This study aims to analyze Business Financing Pattern of Broiler Chicken at Plasma PT. Aceh Unggas Mandiri with case study in Langsa Baro District and Langsa Lama District. The research area was chosen purposely. The sampling was done saturation or census with the sample taken was 13 farmers. The analytical methods used are the methods of investment criteria analysis (NPV, R/C, BEP, IRR, NET B/C and PP). From the research results obtained results are : Farmers have an average land area of 0,28 Ha, 484 m² cage area, age 45 years, High School Education and 3 years partnership experiance. Relationship pattern of partnership broiler breeders with PT. Aceh Unggas Mandiri is a company providing seeds 4000 tail, feed, medicines while breeders provide infrasructure for livestock. Based on feasibility analysis test then NPV, IRR, and NET B/C are said feasible, while B/C is not feasible. Then BEP Unit breakeven production of 6.606 Kg and BEP Price break even price of Rp 12.723 /Kg. Based on the analysis of PP is said to be feasible, because the initial capital can be restored the first year of the fourth season</p> Faiz Ahmad Sibuea, Muhammad Rahmat ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:34:56 +0700 RICE AVAILABILITY IN NORTH SUMATRA PROVINCE <p><em>The increase in food security in Indonesia often does not go hand in hand with the rate of population increase, while the increase in rice consumption is not proportional to the rate of increase in production and harvested area. The aspect that allegedly causes Indonesia to still import rice from abroad is the declining rice production so that the domestic rice price also increases. Food crop production in North Sumatra in 2020 decreased compared to 2019. In 2019 rice production reached 2,078,901.59 tons, while in 2020 it reached 2,076,280.01 tons. Research is needed on the availability of rice in the province of North Sumatra. Primary data were obtained through in-depth interviews and secondary data. Data analysis in this study was carried out descriptively and quantitatively. Qualitative analysis was conducted to obtain food availability and information from production institutions or actors from producers to final consumers of rice commodities. The availability of rice in North Sumatra Province in 2018 was 3,400,744 tons, with a total imported rice of 209,856 tons. Availability of surplus of 1,647,213 Tons. The availability of rice in North Sumatra Province in 2019 was 2,785,679 tons. Availability of a surplus of 846,053 tons. The availability of rice in North Sumatra in 2020 is 2,542,398 tons. Availability of a surplus of 785,326 tons. The rice commodity in the last 3 years has seen a surplus of rice and is projected to experience a surplus in 2021</em></p> Octasella Ainani As'ad, Muhammad Asaad, Desi Novita, Surya Dharma ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:36:50 +0700 RICE ECONOMIC MODEL IN NORTH SUMATRA <p>This study aims to determine the development of rice consumption in North Sumatra and the factors that influence rice consumption in North Sumatra in 1988-2017. Data obtained from secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency and related agencies. Analysis used by Vector Auto Regression. Variables used in this study are income, rice prices, inflation, and rice consumption in North Sumatra. The analysis method used by Vector Auto Regression (VAR). The results showed that the dominant factors influencing rice consumption were the price of rice by 60% and inflation by 38%. On the other hand, the inflation variable can affect rice prices in the short term. Meanwhile, in the long term, the variables of income, rice prices in the previous period, consumption, and inflation</p> Mariana Eva Yanti, Mhd Asaad, Mhd Buhari Sibuea ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:38:30 +0700