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Octasella Ainani As'ad Muhammad Asaad Desi Novita Surya Dharma


The increase in food security in Indonesia often does not go hand in hand with the rate of population increase, while the increase in rice consumption is not proportional to the rate of increase in production and harvested area. The aspect that allegedly causes Indonesia to still import rice from abroad is the declining rice production so that the domestic rice price also increases. Food crop production in North Sumatra in 2020 decreased compared to 2019. In 2019 rice production reached 2,078,901.59 tons, while in 2020 it reached 2,076,280.01 tons. Research is needed on the availability of rice in the province of North Sumatra. Primary data were obtained through in-depth interviews and secondary data. Data analysis in this study was carried out descriptively and quantitatively. Qualitative analysis was conducted to obtain food availability and information from production institutions or actors from producers to final consumers of rice commodities. The availability of rice in North Sumatra Province in 2018 was 3,400,744 tons, with a total imported rice of 209,856 tons. Availability of surplus of 1,647,213 Tons. The availability of rice in North Sumatra Province in 2019 was 2,785,679 tons. Availability of a surplus of 846,053 tons. The availability of rice in North Sumatra in 2020 is 2,542,398 tons. Availability of a surplus of 785,326 tons. The rice commodity in the last 3 years has seen a surplus of rice and is projected to experience a surplus in 2021

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How to Cite
As’ad, O., Asaad, M., Novita, D., & Dharma, S. (2021). RICE AVAILABILITY IN NORTH SUMATRA PROVINCE. SOSIAL DAN EKONOMI PERTANIAN, 15(2), 43 - 50. Retrieved from https://jurnalfp.uisu.ac.id/index.php/sep/article/view/66